Independant Churches (ACRP – PCD Points)

A minimum of twenty CPD points per annum is required for random CPD. Points have a shelf life of two years.  A total of 40 CPD points must be reached by the end of the second year of registration and be maintained on this  level over any period of two years.  

The calculation of points depends on a number of variables, such as the level of intensiveness or complexity of training, the duration of training, etc: 

  • Short courses up to four hours: one point per hour of active CPD activity. 
  • One-day course: 5 points
  • Course of two consecutive days: 8 points
  • Course of three days or longer: maximum of 10 points. 
  • Attendance of the annual conference (2 days): 8 points

AFM Churches (PCD Points)

All ordained pastors will have to accumulate a certain number of points in every four year cycle to retain pastoral status (2020 – 25 points). Most PCD points will be accredited to AFM National and Regional PCD events.

The point value of the different and approved options available for a given cycle, will be decided on by the NLF upon recommendation by the E&T governing body and made known to regions and pastors during the year preceding the next cycle.

  • Attendance of compulsory national workshops or seminars (eg. During the GBM). 
  • Attendance of compulsory and elective growth and training opportunities on regional level. 
  • Providing reflective feedback on prescribed books. 
  • Attendance of accredited national or international seminars, conventions, or speakers (eg. Willowcreek’s GLS). 
  • Personal tertiary academic studies, post graduate Theological studies, or accredited distance learning and research opportunities. 
  • Coaching and mentoring: Receiving or acting in these roles according to prescribed procedure. 
  • Accessing an external consultant, adviser or relevant expert, such as an advanced leadership skills- or communication teacher or leadership master classes.
  • Producing documentation for a personal development plan and following it.
Registration to Pastoral Continuous Developement

Available Online CPD Courses